White paper

WP: Upgrading to OIML R61:2017

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In 2018 OIML has published a new version of R 61 on Automatic Gravimetric Filling Instruments (AGFI).
The document has been accepted by the CIML in 2017 and therefore is published as R 61:2017. The previous version was R 61:2004.

From July 2019 NMi has been accepted as an Issuing Authority for OIML R61:2017 under scheme B. NMi is one of the first Issuing Authorities with OIML R61:2017 in the by OIML published scope (see https://www.oiml.org/en/oiml-cs/oiml-issuing-authorities/nmi-netherlands).

This white paper has been written to address the major changes. It also gives guidelines when to upgrade from R 61:2004 and  explains the steps a manufacturer of AGFI’s has to take for this upgrade.


The document has been re-written to comply with the latest standards of OIML for writing recommendations. Therefore, it looks like there have been a lot of changes but they are actually limited and most of them….


If the instrument has an EU type examination certificate (EU-TEC) based on OIML R 61:2004 there is nothing you have to do right now. The EU-TEC remains valid and the R 61:2004 is still the normative document.
However, it is very likely that the R 61:2017 will become the normative document in the near future. WELMEC working group 2 is working on the evaluation to make R 61:2017 the new normative document. Preparing for the upgrade is advised. The two most important topics are…

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